It is not uncommon to find discussion spaces with hundreds to thousands of messages and participants. User-generated content (UGC) is the driving force behind all Web 2.0 applications. How do you visualize such an exchange of ideas? Today, I found tldr which is “is an application for navigating through large-scale online discussions. The application visualizes structures and patterns within ongoing conversations to let the user browse to content of most interest. In addition to visual overviews, it also incorporates features such as thread summarization, non-linear navigation, multi-dimensional filtering, and various other features that improve the experience of participating in large-discussions.” Publication about the project: Narayan, Srikanth and Cheshire, Coye – “Not too long to read: The tldr Interface for Exploring and Navigating Large-Scale Discussion Spaces”. The 43rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences – Persistent Conversations Track – Jan 2010.
Interfaces for large-scale online discussion spaces